The Benefits of Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a safe, non-invasive procedure that lifts impurities from the complexion, exfoliating the outermost layer of damaged skin and sweeping away dead skin cells. Rather than relying on chemicals as exfoliating agents, dermabrasion uses a diamond or crystal-tipped wand to remove imperfections.
Dermabrasion helps to re-texturize the skin’s surface while simultaneously triggering the regrowth of collagen and elastin, essential proteins that maximize skin suppleness, hydration, and radiance. Below we will explore the benefits of this simple, rejuvenating treatment that comes with minimal downtime and results that can last for months.
What are the benefits of microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion can be completed in just 30 minutes, making it ideal for busy, active clients on the go. In fact, many refer to the treatment as a “lunchtime facial.” There is no preparation required for microdermabrasion and no discomfort. Your session will be gentle enough that it won’t cause irritation or hyperpigmentation.
No downtime
Microdermabrasion is non-surgical and non-invasive. There is little to no downtime to deal with. You won’t have to take time off from work or reschedule important activities. You can start enjoying the benefits of your session right away instead of having to wait for weeks.
Microdermabrasion is effective for a wide variety of conditions, including oily skin, dull skin, clogged or enlarged pores, acne scarring, uneven pigmentation, and fine lines. In addition to combating superficial concerns, it is also a method of triggering the body’s natural self-healing mechanisms, increasing collagen production for longer-term skin smoothness and vitality.
Enhances circulation
Microdermabrasion improves lymphatic circulation, maximizing the skin’s overall health and well-being. Improved blood flow means that cellular renewal is supported along with increased skin elasticity. The skin is repaired from the inside out through collagen regeneration.
Increases product absorption
Microdermabrasion’s ability to remove dead skin cells and promote circulation renders the skin more susceptible to nourishment in the form of serums and other skincare products. The treatment has been found to increase product absorption by as much as 50%.
The non-surgical and non-invasive nature of the treatments means little to no side effects or complications after treatment. The only real risks associated with microdermabrasion come from poor sterilization of the device itself or incorrect usage by staff or providers. These risks can be avoided by choosing reputable, credentialed practitioners to perform microdermabrasion.
What is the takeaway?
Microdermabrasion is among the safest treatments, allowing you to undergo sessions as frequently as once a month. This means that you can continue to enjoy the benefits of softer, smoother, clearer skin on an ongoing basis. With microdermabrasion, you no longer have to feel self-conscious about blemishes or invest heavily in over-the-counter creams, lotions, and skincare products that don’t produce the dramatic results you seek.
Now that you are in the know regarding all the wonderful benefits of microdermabrasion, the next step is setting up your private consultation with the Skin Matrix team. We look forward to speaking with you more about how microdermabrasion can provide a radiant, vibrant glow and enhanced self-confidence.