How to Tackle Maskne

MASK REQUIRED TO ENTER": This messaging has become commonplace in public spaces as we navigate the current pandemic. Unfortunately, it has started an unwanted trend in the skincare industry known as maskne.
1. What is Maskne?
Maskne, technically referred to as acne mechanica, is a form of acne caused by excess oil, dirt, and sebum trapped between a mask and the skin. It is formed in areas due to friction, pressure, stretching, occlusion, or rubbing.
These unwelcome breakouts happen after wearing a mask for extended periods (or one that isn't cleaned frequently). The skin cannot breathe properly, which creates a breeding ground for bacteria to become trapped in your pores.
2. How Can I Treat Maskne?
A great way to address maskne is to maintain a consistent morning and evening skincare routine. While this has always been a recommendation from our skincare professionals at SkinMatrx, it is even more essential now, when we are all wearing masks daily.
Make sure to regularly wash reusable masks and change disposable ones as frequently as possible.
First and foremost, be gentle - that means going easy on at-home spa days. It might be tempting to over-do it on your skincare right now with washes, scrubs, toners and facial masks. However, that can irritate your already compromised skin protective barrier.
3. Skin Matrx Is Ready To Help!
Skip the temptation to wash or scrub your skin intensely. Sweep away the debris using a cleanser like Skinceuticals LHA Cleansing Gel or Gentle Cream Cleanser.
For hydration after washing, SkinMedica's HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator Serum provides immediate support and long-lasting soothing hydration.
Don't skip on moisturizing because of the maskne or for fear of adding additional moisture to your face. The proper lotion or cream can help calm the irritation caused by the friction as well as help support the skin's barrier. Great options include GM Collin Hydramucine Cream and Skinceuticals Daily Moisture.
A bonus treat for your skin, just once a week would be to Mask Up with our GM Collin Puractive Mask. This purifying and revitalizing mask mattifies and hydrates the skin for a clear and even complexion.