5 Ways to Maintain a Youthful Appearance

How can you naturally maintain a youthful appearance for as long as possible? It’s all about your skin. Taking care of your skin is one of the most important ways to hold off wrinkles, sun damage and other signs of aging.
We’ve put together five key ways to take care of your skin to keep it radiant, firm, and youthful-looking.
When it comes to maintaining healthy skin from the inside out, water is your best friend. Drink plenty of water every day and keep yourself and your skin hydrated. Drinking water helps improve circulation and helps your body flush out toxins, which contributes to clear skin. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day–more if it’s hot outside or you’re working out.
Sunscreen is a must
Sun exposure is the cause of 80 percent of skin aging. Too much exposure to the sun causes the skin to age earlier than it should–premature aging. UV rays cause changes in the skin and damage elastin fibers that the body needs to keep the skin strong and elastic. This damage weakens the skin structure and accelerates the development of wrinkles.
Protect your skin from the sun with a high quality, broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. Apply sunscreen generously, reapplying every two hours, when you’re in the direct sun. You can also use a daily moisturizer with an SPF of 15 or more.
Eat a healthy diet
Your diet matters quite a bit in terms of helping your skin look and feel its best. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins are all a part of a healthy diet that gives your body the nutrients it needs to build healthy, strong skin. A diet rich in fish oil and low in unhealthy fats and processed foods has been shown to possibly promote younger looking skin. In terms of what you’re drinking, avoid consuming too much alcohol, as it is tough on the skin, dehydrates it and ultimately damages it.
Don’t smoke
This is a big one. Smoking actively ages your skin and contributes to wrinkles. The tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin that provide circulation are made more narrow by smoking. This decreases the blood flow deprives the skin of oxygen and nutrients that it needs to be healthy and beautiful. The result is more pale, gray or sickly-looking skin, and a dull lackluster skin tone.
Wrinkles are increased by smoking because it damages collagen and elastin. These are the building blocks your body uses to create strong, firm, elastic skin. Less collagen and elastin make the skin far more prone to developing deep wrinkles.
Exfoliate (gently)
Cleanse and exfoliate your skin gently. If you scrub too hard or use harsh exfoliants, your skin can become irritated, which in turn accelerates skin aging. Gentle washing and exfoliation helps to remove toxins, oils, makeup and other buildup that can get into your pores and cause skin problems.
Exfoliate by making small, circular motions with a scrub applied with your finger or a gentle exfoliating tool. Exfoliate your skin for about 30 seconds, then rinse your skin with warm–not hot– water.
All about beautiful, healthy skin with Skin Matrx
At Skin Matrx, we are ready to help you achieve beautiful, healthy, radiant skin. As specialists in this field, we provide customized, advanced treatments to help keep your skin looking young, fresh and clear for years. We look forward to working with you in our luxurious, private and comfortable environment, centered around you and your cosmetic needs.